Monday, September 6, 2010

The only son of Krishna Chandra ghosal , Maharaja Joy Narayan ghosal purchased[more or less] 180 bighas of land in kidderpore area and established his kingdom over there.There inside of his palace he built a beautiful temple endowed with rich hindu , muslim and greek architectural work and founded his kulo devi MAA PATITPABONI DURGA.This was in the year 1782.

Maa durga is made of ashtadhatu ( a combination of eight metals) and has a height of about two and a half feet. Maharaja appointed chandi charan pathak mahashoy as the kulo purohit at that time. Since then till now his desendants are performing such rights in bhulailash rajbari .

At the main entrance of the mandir on four sides there are four temples of four deities namely MAKARBAHINI GANGA , PANCHANAN DEV, RAJRAJESHWARI MAHALINGA, AND JAY KAAL BAHIRAV.

Much later IN 1843A.D. ,Raja Bahadur satya charan ghosal a worthy decendent of maharaja joynarayan ghosal built a temple in such a way that Maa durga in her temple can be seen directly from Maharaja’s temple across the pond and the palace that lies in between.